Bolivar Gross Obituary, Death Cause – The unexpected passing of Bolivar Gross, who resided in Franklin, Ohio and was 66 years old at the time of his death, occurred on Thursday, August 10, 2023 while he was at home. Mary Baker Gross and Eugene Gross, both of whom had passed away prior to the birth of their son, were his parents. He was their son. After working for the Butler Metro Housing Authority in the capacity of a maintenance worker for a number of years, Bolivar arrived at the conclusion that it was time for him to take early retirement from his position. Hiking, attending live music performances, and sitting in front of the television were some of his favorite things to do in his leisure time.
He was predeceased by his Son, Greg McIntosh, his Sisters Lizzie Bell Allen Gross and Victoria Gross, Grandson Chris McIntosh, and Nephews Berlyn and Levi Gross. His Grandson Chris McIntosh also passed away before him. His grandparents and his grandson, Chris McIntosh, both passed away before he did, and he was also preceded in death by his son. Not only him, but also his grandson Chris McIntosh had already passed away before he did.
His wife, Mary Riley Gross, and his three children, Jeremiah (Kimberly) Gross, Kenny (Barb), and Jeff (Sara) McIntosh, are the only people who will miss him after he dies away. Kenny (Barb) and Jeff (Sara) McIntosh are married. Everyone there will experience a profound loss as a result of his passing. Susan Bennett was the first child in the Bennett family, therefore the family name was given to her. There are a total of six people who make up the Gross family. Within the Gross family, there are four brothers and two sisters. These include Donald Gross (and his wife Judy), James Gross (and his wife Geri), Berlyn Gross (and her husband Brenda), and Charlie Gross (and his wife Theresa).